Kparblee District Medical Clinic is on the Horizon!

What a joy it was to have Dr Martha Zarway spend four days with us in Sioux Falls along with her husband, Bishop Zarway! The CRI board got to visit in depth about the people of Kparblee District and our plans for a medical clinic. Not only did we get to know each other better; we took joy in praying and exploring what the future of Kparblee District might be with improved medicine. 

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CRI Newsletter - Edition 1

 Thank you dear donors and supporters!  The work you began with us in 2012 continues through the grace of our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  It is impossible to ‘catch you up’ in two pages, but here’s a short recap of where we are today. Enjoy!

Our Home

     We give thanks to God for our 32 children!  National Director, Victoria Neewili and her three full time live in caregivers lovingly share their wisdom and practical living skills. Our Home …

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