Kparblee District Medical Clinic is on the Horizon!
Dr. and Bishop Zarway meets with CRI Leaders in Sioux Falls to plan for Kparblee District Medical Clinic
What a joy it was to have Dr Martha Zarway and her husband, Bishop Zarway, spend four days with us in Sioux Falls! CRI Board members got to visit in depth about the people of Kparblee District and discussed plans for a medical clinic. Not only did we get to know each other better; we took joy in praying and exploring what the future of Kparblee District might be with improved medicine.
Dr. Zarway very clearly laid out for us the one-time investments she believes we need to make to establish a functional clinic. She also shared with us about the minimum investments that are required to become certified by the Librarian Health Department. Monetarily each investment is modest when compared to the cost to establish a US based clinic; but each investment will dramatically improve our ability to provide medical care in this very remote district.
Dr. Zarway sharing about her medical ministry in Monrovia, Liberia
Dr. also shared how thankful she was to learn that several of the medical staff candidates she interviewed from neighboring towns already possess significant medical training and experience. For example, Antoine Pehe was interviewed for the Head Nurse position. Antoine possesses training and experience for the Librarian equivalent of a Physician’s Assistant. Candidates for other positions also possess meaningful medical training and experience. These experiences have prepared them well for the 9 months of intense practical training we are planning at Dr. Zarway’s Kingdom Care Clinic in Monrovia … and will enable them to ‘hit the ground running’ as they return to Kparblee District to setup and open the clinic!
Our Medical Clinic building is now about 80 percent complete!
So our Board’s most important job now is to fundraise! The people of the District have donated the land and labor needed to construct the clinic building; CRI has spent $44,000 on construction materials to help them build the clinic; Kparblee District ‘Sons and Daughters’ are being asked to serve Christ by sharing their medical gifts at the clinic; and our CRI Board has identified $40,000 in startup investments (or gifts in kind) needed to open the clinic! And we now need your help! Would you, your family, your congregation, or another group you belong to provide one or more of these startup investments?
Tile (main room, surgery, pharmacy, & Baths) $5,000
Water well and Submersible Pump $2,000
400 Gallon Water Supply Tank $500
Water Tower for Supply Tank $300
Water Pipes and Faucets $200
Sink Basins $300
Laundry Tub $50
Two 2.0K Watt WEN Inverter Generators $1,500
Refrigerator $1,000
4 Bed(s) - For emergency cases $400
Miscellaneous Construction Items $2,500
Transporting above materials to Kparblee $2,000
Liberian Registration and Inspection $350
GMA Medical Supply Container - Port Fees, Taxes, Etc. $1,000
Transportation for GMA Medical Supplies' $2,000
Purchase Medical Supplies not in the GMA container $500
Purchase the initial annual inventory of Medications $10,000
Transport Medications & Medical Staff to Kparblee District $2,000
Living Expense Scholarships for Staff training in Monrovia $2,700
Transport Dr. Zarway and Staff to setup clinic $4,000
As you can see … the Kparblee District Medical Clinic truly is visible on the horizon. Thank you for acting in faith to make this clinic a reality!