CRI Newsletter - Edition 1
Thank you dear donors and supporters! The work you began with us in 2012 continues through the grace of our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is impossible to ‘catch you up’ in two pages, but here’s a short recap of where we are today. Enjoy!
Our Home
We give thanks to God for our 32 children! National Director, Victoria Neewili and her three full time live in caregivers lovingly share their wisdom and practical living skills. Our Home ‘pops at the seams’ with life. Mealtime is truly a family affair. With every inch of table, chair, and floor space used to the fullest.
In 2017 a sorely needed 5th bedroom, kitchen, and large bathroom were added. Total space was increased by 25% and bunk beds and some storage space were added for each adult and child.
Thanks to our 14 Child Sponsors … and thanks to you who decide to become a regular monthly giver. You will forever change a young child’s life!
With 182 inches of average annual rainfall, it is impossible to overstate the importance of a good roof. 2018 required replacing the original roof with brand new corrugated ‘zinc’ roof. We are very thankful for the family whose dedicated gift made this possible!
Our School
After years of rolling up mattresses and breaking out books, chalk boards, etc. for classes … Sept 2017 marked the completion of the 1st floor of our new school! Isn’t it marvelous!!!
By the end of the first year, our 32 Kids were joined by 90 community Kids in Grades Pre-K through 6th.
And as with all schools, final exams where challenging. Our students take their school work very seriously … and we give thanks for their successes!
Our Community Church
In October of 2017, International Outreach Ministries Fendell Community Church held its first worship service! We meet in the school auditorium and several families from the community join our Kids and Staff worshiping God and fellowshiping.
In March of this year, musical instruments and a sound system were purchased. We have a children’s choir and several talented Kids who help Pastor lead worship.
Our Medical Clinic
In the very remote district of Kparblee, medical care is either non-existent or miles away. To get to a doctor people must be healthy enough to ride a motorbike on terrible roads. In March 2017, the elders of Dewoblee gave CRI 3 acres and their promise to provide the labor if we would help them build a medical clinic.
CRI initially helped with the purchase of a large chainsaw. It has been used for bridgework and other roadway projects … and is now being used to cut planks for constructing the clinic.
With the help of two dedicated gifts, most other construction materials have been purchased. The community is now dealing with rainy season, but still making great progress in constructing the clinic.
We need your help with dedicated gifts to hire a medical professional and to procure medications and medical supplies for our new clinic!
How You Can Make a Difference
Please give us a call or go to our website at and:
Sponsor a child with a regular monthly gift;
Support a teacher’s wage or the purchase of needed books and teaching supplies;
Support a medical professional or the purchase medicines and medical supplies for the Dewoblee Clinic.
We also need your time and knowledge. If you have expertise that would further our ministry, please give Pastor Samuel a call. We would love to have the opportunity to partner with you!
And in all seasons, join us in giving praise and thanks to our awesome God! Pray for the health, safety, and development of our children. Pray for the health, safety, and wisdom of the pastors, caregivers, security personnel, teachers, and volunteers who give of themselves every day to make this ministry possible.
Together, they are serving as Christ’s hands and feet to the troubled nation of Liberia!