CRI operates a Childrens Home, School, Medical Clinic, and other Christian Ministries in Liberia, Africa

Children Rescue International (CRI) exists to glorify and honor Christ as we care for His people. Our Teammates and Volunteers in Liberia provide loving care through our Children’s Home, School, Vocational Training Programs, and Medical Clinic ... and they need your help!


Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and serve as His hands and feet by rescuing orphans and destitute children in Liberia who cry for help.


Mobilize loving and qualified Pastors, Caregivers, Educators, Administrative Personnel, and Volunteers to establish Children’s Homes, Schools, and Medical Clinics in Liberia. Facilities and programming are designed to care for orphaned children until they are adopted, fostered, or leave us as independent adults. We also partner with impoverished neighboring families as they worship, educate their children, and pursue medical care.