CRI Newsletter - Edition 2

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May God continue to bless you dear servant of the living God. I am so grateful to Almighty God for you and each member of your family. Your generosity, through the power and love of Christ Jesus, has put so many smiles on faces. You have brought hope and joy to 32 orphaned and destitute children; and into the lives of our needy staff and volunteers.

        I will love to express my warmest appreciation to you and to your entire family for being a regular supporter over the years. Thank you for believing in our cause and keeping the ministry running and growing, in Jesus name. Through the generosity of donors like you, CRI is making a huge impact at our Children’s Home in Fendell, our Community School in Fendell, our Community Church in Fendell, through 12 Pastors in Kparblee District, and soon in lives affected by the Medical Clinic being built in Dewoblee.  

Through the Dewoblee Clinic, you are caring for some of the poorest citizens of the third world.  Through your helping hands, we are reaching out to these people with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and soon through staff at our new medical clinic.

The warm smiles and tears of joy on the faces of the beneficiaries of CRI missions in Liberia are enough  to remind us always that the time and effort everyone is contributing is worthwhile. And we want you to know that everything we do is done for the glory of God, in Jesus name.

Its my prayer that our Lord will also put big smiles on your face during this new year; just as you decided to put smiles on the faces of the orphans and destitute helped by CRI.  

              In Jesus name,

         Pastor Samuel K. Gayetaye, Executive Director

And what a year we had in 2018:

  • 32 Children live in our Children’s Home

  • 140 elementary aged children attend King of Glory Mission School

  • IOM Community Church at Fendell cares for our Kids, Staff, and Neighbors  

  • 31 Staff & many local merchants & laborers who received $114,000 in wages and sales

  • 12 Pastors in Kparblee District received support to better care for the people they serve in home churches

  • 800+ Dewoblee citizens who benefited by the gift of a chain saw used to improve bridgework on a very damaged road

  • Many Dewoblee citizens who partnered with us in constructing our new medical clinic building

  • Several hundred adults and children impacted by 6 US missionaries who lead worship, Kids Bible School, Adult Bible Training, and who helped our Staff with many daily chores

  • More than 145 Liberian Teachers impacted by a Sioux Falls Professor who traveled to conduct multiple teacher training conferences

Our talented & dedicated Staff now numbers:

  • 9 Staff in our Home (Director, Administrator, Caregivers, and Security Personnel)

  • 21 Staff at King of Glory Mission School (Teachers, Administrators, Nurse, & Custodians)

  • 1 Pastor at IOM Community Church at Fendel

We have been blessed by so many volunteers:

  • More than 50 in Liberia

  • More than 25 in America

And our Donors generosity was Incredible:

  • More than 82 families and 5 congregations supported us financially, giving $113,000.  This included Child Sponsors who gave $100/mo to care for 16 Kids. And,

  • ‘In Kind’ Gifts of 8 barrels of Bibles, books, science kits, clothing, and 2 laptop computers

In good times and bad, we have given praise and glory to God for His loving presence.  As we prepare for 2019:

  • We have approved a $101,000 budget for current ministry operations and to fund some of our approved new projects; and

  • We are praying for donors who desire to fund some very high priority, but not yet fully funded initiatives

So … How You Can Make a Difference?

➥➤  We desperately need your time and knowledge.  If you have a talent or idea that will further our ministry, please give Pastor Samuel a call.  We would love to partner with you!

➥➤Encourage your church leadership to let Pastor Samuel or a CRI representative speak with your Evangelistic team or congregation.

➥➤Pray for us on a regular basis and sharing with others how to receive our newsletter or to become a Facebook friend.

➥➤Support one of our 16 unsponsored kids for $1,200 per year. (Or maybe organize a team of donors such as your extended family, neighborhood friends, Bible Study, etc.)


➥➤Consider funding enhancements to our School’s curriculum & computers ($10,000+)

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➥➤Consider funding some of the Equipment, supplies, & medicines for the new Dewoblee Medical Clinic ($10,000 + needed)

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➥➤Consider funding some construction and buildout expenses for the 2nd floor of our Community School to support a Jr. High & Vocational School ($50,000 +)

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