CRI … 2012 to Today

So many in Liberia and America have given their time, talent, and finances generously to establish and grow CRI. Space does not permit listing each of you and your many contributions; but please know how thankful we are for you! We hope you will enjoy remembering some major events and a few ministry highlights:

2012 - Several years after moving to Sioux Falls, SD, Pastor Samuel Gayetaye and his wife Delecia took a sacrificial step of faith and acted on their concern for orphaned children in Liberia. They began personally supporting a small volunteer staff led by Victoria Neewili and financed the construction of a ‘zink round’ (a very basic shelter). We are so thankful they were joined by many Gayetaye family members and friends who gave generously of their time and finances to begin and sustain this ministry!

2013 thru 2016:

  • Pastor Samuel, Delicia, and several friends in Sioux Falls wanted to make an even larger impact. They chartered CRI as a South Dakota organization and filed for IRS 501(c)3 status. Soon the ‘zink round’ was replaced with a small four bedroom Home in Fendell.  4 volunteer teachers also begin using the Abeka Homeschool curriculum to start the Kids on their academic journey.

  • Unfortunately, the Kids and Staff were frequently ill. Part of the reason was drinking water was being carried from a nearby bog. King of Glory Church in Sioux Falls, SD helped change this by donating a freshwater well and hand pump. The well provides clean water for our Kids, Staff, and many Neighbors.

  • The foundation and a lower level room for a school was constructed on our Fendell campus.

  • Visioning an even greater impact, 2 acres of land was purchased near Tapeta in Nimba County. Plans for a 2nd site were developed.

2017 thru 2020:

  • In 2017 our Staff  begins receiving a small wage … and our operating budget supports increasing from one to two meals per day for our Kids. A 5th bedroom, 3rd bathroom, and a kitchen were added to the Home. Rather than sharing a few mattresses rolled out at night, the Kids and Staff now have individual bunk beds and small personal storage cubbies. 

  • Living in a very poor and remote area with very little access to medicine, the people of Dewoblee in Kparblee District donate 3 acres of land and petition us to construct a medical clinic. 

  • Sylvester Gayetaye manages the construction of the 1st floor of King of Glory Mission School. Pastor Marvin Gayetaye serves as our Principal and opens for Pre-K thru Sixth Grade. (4 paid teachers and 11 volunteer teachers begin educating our 32 CRI Kids and more than 90 Community Kids.)

  • International Outreach Ministries Fendell Community Church opened.  They begin meeting in our school building and our Kids, Staff, and many Neighbors attend worship.

  • In 2018, Sylvester begins partnering with Norine Wiles and Kparblee District volunteers to clear the land and construct a building for our future medical clinic.

  • Kirkland Life Church and many friends send more than 650 Bibles with pink covers for women, who historically have not had access to their own Bible.

2021 thru 2023:

  • In 2021 we begin paying all teachers and administrators of King of Glory Mission School … and expand through 9th Grade. Our 32 children and more than 110 Community children attend. 

  • The Rev. SKG-Kparblee District Health Care Center opens in April 2022, with Dr. Martha Zarway serving as our Volunteer Covering Doctor. We receive a 40 foot container of medical equipment and supplies from Gateway Medical Alliance and a $25,000 dedicated gift from the Courtney Anderson Family Endowment.  In 2023, Jeff Gaylah (Administrator), Moses Owah (Physician Assistant), and Dr. Joannis Sehkar (Covering Doctor) initiate many improvements to the medical care we provide. We also now have two Pastors on Staff who pray with and counsel patients and their families!

  • The "Help me Help Others" program was started by Sylvester Gayetaye and expanded by Pastor Scott Blaye. Our older Kids lead teams to help our Caregivers and the younger Kids. They also begin tutoring after School.

  • We were saddened at the deaths of Norecia Bah, Christopher Pelkey, and Patrick Mahmie. (Noreica lived in our home, Chris was a volunteer and Child Sponsor; and Patrick led our Medical Clinic.) 

  • King of Glory Church of Sioux Falls and several other Donors enabled us to complete the 2nd level of the School. This addition supports our Boy’s Dormitory, a room for Vocational Training, and the classrooms needed to complete the High School. 

  • In 2023, Pastor Marvin Gayetaye and his team begin offering 12th grade. Total school attendance exceeds 350!

  • Other important Fendell campus investments included: a security fence; the purchase of an adjoining lot; connecting to City Electrical Power, and a store for Vocational Training. We offer a Barbering/Beautician Program and a Program to make and market 3 types of soap.

What’s Next:

  • Marcus Gayetaye serves as our National Director. He oversees all ministry programs in Liberia and is a member of our CRI Executive Team. During 2024 Marcus and several volunteers will focus on developing and mentoring our ministry program leaders. We will also be focusing on enhancing the effectiveness of our US Board. Please join us in prayer that another round of ministry impact and growth will be ignited! 

  • We began the year with the announcement of our new Economic Development Program! Through a major gift from King of Glory Church of Sioux Falls, SD we purchased a motorbike, truck, and 3 acres of land. Wonkehmie Belleh leads our program and will soon be hiring men and women to operate these businesses. We also look forward to having some of our young adults become apprentices and to be mentored in this program.

  • We also began an off campus Supervised Housing Program. Nathaniel Yarmie (Administrative Assistant and Foster Care Manager) manages a Supervisor, Security Guard, and an apartment where our 4 oldest Boys live. We also desire to increase our Foster Care Program and establish a 2nd apartment for our oldest Girls.

  • Faith Gekpoah joined us as our Vocational Program Manager. In addition to building out current programs to better prepare our young adults; Faith will be identifying and starting a new program later this year.

  • We renewed our desire to care for more Children, both in our Children’s Home and through our Foster Care Program. On 3/31/2024, Victoria Neewili and her Staff welcomed 4 new Boys to live with us! A special Easter service was held to worship Christ and to celebrate the new physical lives for these young Boys!. We now care for 38 Kids!

  • This year we will celebrate the first High School graduating class of King of Glory Mission School. Our very own Barward Willie will be among the graduates!

And as always, we give thanks and praise to God for His mercy, grace, and provision!  We also give thanks to His generous people who have partnered in this ministry with their time, talents, and finances.