A Christ-filled Christmas to You!
Christmas Greetings from CRI!
What a joy it is to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!! May we each be reminded of the incredible mysteries of our faith, yet to cling to the eternal truth’s God has generously shared with His people.
The Children, Staff, and Volunteers of CRI bring you greetings in Jesus Name! Our year has been filled with great joys, great sorrows, and every day elements of life. And in each one, we have lived in the confidence that our Savior is abiding with us. In Him we place our confidence … and find our peace!
May you and your family join us in worshipping our Risen Lord. And may this Christmas be a marvelous time enjoying ‘all things Christmas’ … heartfelt Worship, love-filled Family times, aind renewals of Friendships.
As you enjoy today and the days ahead, thank you for lifting us ln prayer: a) that our Children will know Christ and grow up confident that they are loved; b) that our Staff will feel God’s presence each day and take joy in the sacrificial care they are giving God’s Children; and that our Volunteers will not grow weary in encouraging and supporting the Children and Staff of CRI!
A blessed Christmas to you each!