Please help us purchase Over the Counter Medications

In March of 2017 community leaders in Kparblee District asked CRI to help them build a medical clinic.  This is a very rural and remote area where more than 22,000 people live.  They have very limited access to electricity, transportation, education, medicine, and other modern resources. Since then they have have :

  • Donated 3 acres of land to CRI and cleared it of the dense jungle that covered it;

  • Mined sand, poured a foundation, built construction blocks by hand, and used a chainsaw to cut large timbers for rafters and other building uses;

  • Used the construction materials CRI purchased to build a 12 room clinic; 

  • Formed a Board of community leaders to manage the Clinic; and

  • Raised funds to send 7 candidates to Monrovia for training.

They are now installing windows, laying floor tiles, and constructing furniture … Clinic Staff are being trained … and medical equipment and supplies have been purchased and are in transit.  Purchasing medications is one of the last important steps needed to open the clinic in March 2021!

How you can help:

  • Purchase as many of the over the counter medications on the following list as you can

  • Before Feb 15th, drop your gift off in one of our collection boxes set up at:

    • King of Glory and International Outreach Ministry Churches located at 1001 E. 17th St. Sioux Falls, SD.

      • Tuesdays and Thursdays, the collection box will be near the North door. From 11AM to 1PM the door will be open (or please ring the doorbell)

      • On Sundays the collection box will be located near the Kitchen serving window

    • Faith United Church located at 800 N Splitrock Blvd, Brandon, SD

p.s. If you would prefer to make a cash donation we will use it to go shopping for medications or to offset the cost of shipping. Please go to the Donate Now button a the top right hand of this page.

THANK YOU so very much for your help! We hope you enjoy this picture story depicting progress on the Rev. SKG-Kparblee District Health Care Center. Please join us in prayer that God will continue to bless this great and critical work of the Kparblee District people!!!