A picture story of our partnership with the Citizens of Kparblee District on the Rev. SKG-Kparblee District Health Care Center

What a journey we have been on these past 4 years with the citizens of Kparblee District! In March of 2017, they asked CRI to partner with them on the creation of a medical clinic. They immediately showed their commitment by donating 3 acres of land and clearing the forest growth from it!

Since then, they volunteered their labor to dig the foundation, cut trees to make lumber, mine sand, make brick, and used the building material gifts CRI was able to provide to construct the building. Under the direction of Norine Wiles and Sylvester Gaytaye, they have given their all to nearly complete the construction of the Rev. SKG-Kparblee District Health Care Center.

The Elders of the District have selected a representative from each of the 12 communities to serve on the Clinic Board. They have been gathering regularly to plan for the future of the Clinic and gathering the resources that will be needed to sustain the Staff and care for Patients. As we write to you, candidates for our medical staff are in Monrovia being trained at Kingdom Care Clinic under the direction of Dr. Martha Zarway and her staff. Dr. Zarway has graciously offered to volunteer her skills and time to provide supervision to the Clinic Staff!

We are so very excited to let you know that we are on track to open the Clinic in March of this year! The next three months will be incredibly busy and many critical tasks must be undertaken. To name a few: the final touches are being completed on the building; medical equipment is being shipped from Europe; medications are being purchased in Liberia; and we are undertaking an appeal in the US to gather Over the Counter Medications. Keep your eye out for more on that soon!

We hope you will enjoy this picture story from Jan 2018 to Dec 2021 of our progress. Thank you for all you have done to support the people of Kparblee District as they prepare to provide quality medical care for more than 22,000 people who live in this area!