Please Become A CRI Partner!

   As we approach year end, many are reviewing their charitable giving.  If you are doing this, we hope you will agree that our CRI vision and mission are clear and compelling.   

   Liberia's needs are many ... but they are making great progress.  We believe that CRI is well positioned to make a difference in several key areas:  Our Home and staff are caring for 32 orphaned children (with many more kids on a waiting list); our new school and teachers are educating our kids and 60 other community children in Pre-K through 6th Grade; and our new church is now a place of worship and growth for our kids, staff, and neighbors.   

   But of course, raising funds to support CRI's mission is crucial and ongoing.  Will you consider becoming an ongoing partner to sponsor a child ... or a one time donor to support our school or church?

   To learn more about these and other opportunities, please click on the Donate Now button above.  If you have questions please give Pastor Samuel a call at 605-212-7819.

   We will be blessed to hear from you ... and we will be so very thankful for your help in sharing the love of Jesus Christ.  As proclaimed in Galatians 6:2, "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

Blessings and Thanks from the Kids, Staff, and Board of CRI