Join us in praying for Patrick Mahmie's family!

Our CRI Team is hurting at the death of our friend, Patrick Mahmie. Patrick was a Registered Nurse and served the lead medical provider for the Rev. SKG-Kparblee District Health Care Center. He had been receiving care at the ELWA Hospital in Monrovia; but decided to live at his Brother’s home to be closer with his family and friends.

We invite each of our CRI supporters to join us in lifting Patrick’s family in prayer!

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September 18, 2021 Memorial Service for Norecia Bah

This past two weeks have been filled with sorrow at CRI. Following a short, but severe illness our daughter in Christ Norecia Bah died. She was not feeling well, so our Staff took her to ELWA Hospital. We believe her death was caused by a severe case of pneumonia, which caused other severe health complications that overwhelmed her body.

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