Rev. SKG-Kparblee District Health Care Center reopened 6/1/2023!
We are quite pleased to share with you that we have reopened! We have used the past 5 months to re-examine our Clinic, reorganize our staff, and implement policies and procedures that will place us in a better position to provide quality medical care in a financially accountable way.
Today (June 1st) the Clinic reopened with the following personnel:
Jeff Gaylah (Clinic Administrator)
Dr. Joannis Sehkar (Contracted Supervising Doctor)
Moses Owah ( Physicians Assistant)
David Corpue (Practical Nurse)
Rev. Jonathan Daye (Clinic Pastor)
Ernest Gaye (Evangelist)
Tenneh Peter (Cook/Custodian), and Jonah Kar (Night Security/Custodian)
We are excited to share our decision to reopen with pastors on Staff! We always desire to share Jesus Christ with everyone we meet … and we are very thankful that our Pastors will be praying with and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with our Staff, Patients, and Community Members.
While there have been some recent improvements in a major roadway, most physical needs of the people of Kparblee District and nearby Côte d'Ivoire have not materially changed. This area is dominated by very dense jungle. Most people have very limited access to medicine, education, and other critical resources.
Thank you everyone who has financially given to make this important ministry possible! And we give thanks to God that our talented staff is sacrificially sharing their gifts through this medical ministry. Please join us in prayer for their wisdom and strength and for the people of Kparblee District to entrust them with their medical and spiritual care!